
Showing posts from November, 2021

Analogue 6: The Ocean of Language

ANALOGUE 6 The Ocean of Language The names we give to things in this world c r eate confusion and turn our hearts away f r om what is r eal to what is un r eal. For example, the one who hears the name “God” does not pe r ceive what is r eal, but is made to think only of what is un r eal. The same is true for the wo r ds, Fathe r , Son, Holy Spirit, life, light, r esur r ection, and chu r ch—all these terms take us away f r om r eality into illusion. They succeed me r ely in leading humanity to death, for they exist only as constructs of this world. If, howeve r , we we r e to exist in the Aion—that r ealm transcendent to space-time—then nothing named in this world would be conside r ed evil, nor would we see ourselves me r ely as temporal c r eatu r es, for each being has a destiny in the T ranscendent Realm (the Aion).   The r e is one name, howeve r...