Analogue 12: Embodied Light & the Resurrection Body
Analogue 12 There are those who are afraid of being resurrected stripped bare. Their desire, therefore, is to be raised in a material body, not realizing that someone clothed in flesh is actually naked. Those who have become beings of light, however, have put off the flesh and yet they are not bare. It has been said, “flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s kingdom.” So what is it that cannot inherit that realm and what is it that can? What inherits the Kingdom is that which is in communion with Yeshua’s blood— for it is he who said, “Whoever does not eat my flesh and drink my blood does not possess life.” So what is this flesh? It is Logos. And what is this blood? It is the sacred Spirit. Whoever receives these has both food and drink, and is fully clothed. However, I must oppose those who deny that neither form or flesh shall rise from the dead, for both positions are in error—those who say the material form shall rise and those who say no form will ever rise. Here is what I affirm...