Transcendent Humanity has far more sons and daughters than earthly humanity. If the sons and daughters of Adam are a multitude even though they continually die, how many more are the offspring of the Completed Human who do not die but are continuously being born? The Father is the source of the Son, but it is impossible for the son to be the origin of the other sons. The one who is begotten, then, is not the source of the other children; rather he assists in bringing his own siblings into being. SYNOPSIS A complex traditional sacred anthropology acts as a background for this and the following analogues as well as for the text as a whole. Some of its teaching is implicit while a portion of it is made explicit in this Gospel. This sacred anthropology is part of the larger apocalyptic vision of mystical Judaism but was shared by other wisdom and mystical traditions of the ancient world. The full template of a human being is understood to have its origins in the the ...