ANALOGUE 24 Realms of Spiritual Sovereignty Among the animals there are those such as oxen and donkeys, as well as others, which are submissive to human beings, and there are those in the wild which are not. We feed ourselves and provide for both tame and wild animals by plowing the fields with those submissive to us. In the same way the first Realized Human Being makes use of the powers submissive to him to bring everything in existence under cultivation, and for this reason whatever there is, whether for good or ill, on the right-hand or on the left, exists. It is, however, the Sacred Spirit who shepherds each separate being and who commands both the submissive as well as the wild and lonely powers so that she is able to control and use their energies even beyond their own desires. Domestic and wild animals are an important division in the animal world and their differences are used in this analogue as metaphor. There are creatures which are under human control but a far larg...