ANALOGUE 25: Original Nobility and its Tragic Loss Adam was formed in creation and then there were those begotten through him, but you cannot find nobility in his progeny. If Adam had been begotten instead of made, his seed would likewise have been noble-minded, but he was made and they were begotten, so where is the nobility? First there occurred adultery and then murder, for the Slayer was begotten in adultery, being the son of the serpent. Thus he became a murderer like his true father and killed his brother. Any partnership, therefore, between unlike beings is a form of adultery . This analogue contains a curious argument with an interesting “logic” all its own. Perhaps it is related to gardens, farming and the cultivation discussed in Analogue 24, or a remembering of the original garden experience. The memory of Adam in these analogues is a reflection on our ancient past in relationship to the human condition. Upon remembering, questions arise: Who and what were our ancient a...