ANALOGUE 30 The Image of the Pearl If a pearl is cast into the mud it does not lose its value, nor does it have any greater value if it is rubbed with ointment. It is of immense worth to its owner no matter what befalls it at any time. So it is with the sons and daughters of God; regardless of what happens to them they are held as precious in the Father’s heart. The core Self at the center of the soul, like a pearl, reveals the true value of the sons and daughters of God. Its value never changes regardless of the conditions which may befall it. Inner essence, not outer circumstance, is the key to spiritual value. Yeshua teaches that every pearl essence is valued as precious in the Father’s heart. This visionary realization is what awakens and motivates him. It is what he has learned. He comes to restore the luster of the pearl essence of each daughter or son of God. COMMENTARY The Analogue of the Pearl The metaphor of the Pearl is an ancient trope us...