Wisdom Themes and Semiotic Seeings Note on ANALOGUES 26-36 These analogues may be a series of the poignant wisdom-teachings of Yeshua as he seeks to restore and measure out the truth. Though they seem to be unrelated analogues in the “sayings tradition” of Yeshua, something more interesting may be happening semiotically. They are followed by Analogue 35 which appears to be a final reminder of extent or measurement of Yeshua’s wisdom as a cruciform in the four cardinal directions across the earth. Rather than this being the atonement theology of the Cross as constructed in the West, here is a new cosmic geography of the cruciform shape which extends out (or is measured) over the whole Earth. COMMENTARY In this commentary we are attempting two hermeneutical objectives: to explicate the rich meanings of the text through a spiritual exegesis that takes into consideration multiple layers of meaning, and also attempting a semiotic exploration of the text that seeks also to u...