ANALOGUE 34 Discerning Progress and Stasis A donkey turning a millstone walks a hundred miles, but in the end, it finds itself back at the same place it started. There are humans who likewise travel hither and yon, but who have made no progress anywhere. When darkness falls they cannot discern a city from a village, artifacts from nature, a lower power from a higher power. These wretched ones have labored in vain. SYNOPSIS Images of progression or stalemate. The work or labor of human beings. Business-as-usual as a distraction and the condition of going nowhere. What is the purpose of being here? What work is to be accomplished? Another take on Ecclesiastes, the fruitlessness and pointlessness of it all — or is it? Discernment as a key feature of spiritual understanding. Perennial Wisdom vs. Existential Wisdom and the hermeneutics of suspicion. Early deconstruction and a positive sense of understanding. COMMENTARY Early Sophisticati...