ANALOGUE 35: Yeshua’s Feast Yeshua is the Eucharistic feast, because in Aramaic he is called farisatha – the One opened out and extended over all, for he came to bring the system of this world to death by means of the cross. SYNOPSIS Contrasts of living and dying, as some things open and unfold while others are brought to an end. Death is that of the world’s systems of blindness, ignorance and oppression. The importance of the cross in opening the world into another form of consciousness and life beyond death. There are higher realities different from the pointless vanities of the world. By the means of self-giving and self-sacrifice, a shift is made in the nature of reality: something new is brought into being and something else is destroyed and removed from existence. COMMENTARY The Opening In this very succinct Analogue we are told that Yeshua provides a feast of great Thanksgiving by creating conditions where the systems of the world that ha...