Analogue 37: The Wisdom of the Mother Wisdom who some call barren, is herself the Mother of the Angels. The companion of the Anointed One was Miriam of Magdala, for the Master appeared to love her more than the other students, and many times would kiss her on the mouth. When the others saw his love for her they asked him, “Why do you love her more than the rest of us?” “Do I not love you as I love her?” the Savior answered. When someone who is blind is in the dark with someone who can see they are no different from one another. But when the light comes, and the one who can see beholds the light, the blind person remains in the darkness still. SYNOPSIS Note: changes in the translation are the translator’s revisions of the Luminous Gospels . Wisdom is understood as a divine feminine principle and living presence. Unresponsiveness to or rejection of the feminine Wisdom principle makes it barren, unproductive, and unfruitful. The role of Wisdom as...