Analogue 38: Transcendent Humanity and Spiritual Ecology The Master said, “Blessed are all who existed before coming into being, for all who are now, both existed before and shall ever be.” The transcendence of human beings is not obvious to the naked eye. It remains hidden from view, but the result is that humans have mastery over creation, even over those creatures which are larger and stronger. Through what is manifest and what is hidden, we are able to survive. When, however, humans separate from nature, then everything begins to devour and destroy itself because there is no mutual nourishment. But when human beings cherish and cultivate the earth, then all things are properly fed. SYNOPSIS A new beatitude is given concerning a state of blessedness. Human beings are seen to be transcendent creatures, not simply temporal or terrestrial beings. This High Anthropology, based on an eternal perspective, is contrasted with a Low Anthropology (or theological reductioni...