Analogue 43 A Vision of Fire and Beauty In a vision, one of the Apostles saw some who were shut up in a house on fire crying out with loud and fiery voices. They had been cast into the fire, but there was water there and they said to themselves, “Is not the water here meant to save us from death?” Misled by their desires, death, which is called the “outer darkness,” was their punishment. Our enemy, therefore, comes to us from out of the waters with fire. And we ourselves have also come forth out of the waters with soul and the spirit and full of light, which is possessed by all the sons and daughters of the Bridal Chamber. Fire is also in the oil of anointing and light is within the fire. I am not speaking here, however, about light without form, but rather of the light whose appearance takes the form of a brilliant whiteness and full of beauty, and whose glory gives beauty to everything else. SYNOPSIS This is an apostolic vision or dream about fire and those dwelling in fire ...