Analogue 55 The Trees of Paradise God created the garden of paradise and humankind dwelt there, but God’s desires were not in their hearts. Their longings were elsewhere. And in this garden it was said—even to me—“You may eat of this, but you cannot consume that, though you desire it.” That is the place, therefore, where I myself ate many different things, and also the place where the Tree of Knowledge killed Adam. Yet it is that same Tree of Knowledge which shall also enliven humanity. In the past, the commandments were the Tree for they gave us knowledge of what is good and evil, but they could not cure humanity of evil, nor preserve us in that which is good. Instead, they caused those who took them into their hearts to die. And so the commandment, “Eat this! Do not eat that!” became the origin of death. SYNOPSIS This is a very nuanced and even metaphysical view of the Garden of Paradise. The statement that “he himself ate there” may indicate Philip’s (or even Yeshua’s...