Analogue 20: The Powers and the Mother
Saints and sages are often served even by oppressive powers which have been blinded by the Sacred Spirit. These powers imagine that it is they who are affecting humanity when in fact they are actually serving sacred beings. It is for this reason that once when one of his students asked the Master concerning an issue involving this world, he replied, “Ask your Mother. She will give you something coming from other worlds.”
- A mystery teaching concerning many dimensions and multiple worlds.
- The realm of saints and sages is a higher order of reality along the horizontal axis, the place where humans exist in space-time.
- In this world there is also vertical interaction, but there is also confusion and this world’s propaganda about what and who is affecting what.
- It appears that the powers and authorities of this world (or even those which might be dimensionally higher) think that they are acting independently when in fact, even when their intentions are bad or evil, they are being used to bring about a form of good in order to serve saints and sages here.
- Yeshua teaches that the Sacred Spirit as Mother brings things to us from other worlds.
- Yeshua counsels his students to develop an independent relationship to Wisdom as Sacred Spirit (acting as Mother) in order to develop their own learning and understanding.
Double Vision
Yeshua’s deep teachings to his students clearly come through to us in this analogue where he shares some of his own relationship to the realm of the unseen and his understanding of what is happening there. He seems likely to be describing his own relationship to the “Mother” (or the mothering principle of Sacred Spirit) who sees past the surface structure of historical reality as we normally perceive it and into the deep structure of things and the realities of what is occurring there. This double-vision of Yeshua is a keen and perceptive form of inner vision, and his description of it provides us not only insight into his own interior experience but also into what he believes is possible for us as well. The veil is being lifted off the outer surface of history and the normal physical realities we perceive in order that, from a wisdom perspective, we might see the details about spiritual reality which are not easily understood in the normal way. This analog discloses to us some of the mysteries that Yeshua taught to his students in secret and indicates the visionary nature not only of this Gospel but of Yeshua’s own mystical understanding.
The saints and sages are called “the Holy Ones” in the original Coptic language. They are human beings who rise up out of the normative events of earth and whose knowing is mysteriously served by the very resistances they experience in this world. It is a revelation that the adversarial and oppressive nature of evil which exists in duality and history actually comes to serve and strengthen it and all sacred beings. It is out of the very nature of living through the challenges of duality that such holy forms of humanity actually arise, Yeshua says, and in this way the oppressive powers actually serve saints and sages. The agents of the oppositional forces are, however, spiritually blind (blind to and perhaps blinded by the Sacred Spirit), so that they cannot detect what is actually happening. The “powers that be”, whether political in nature or Egregoric (a form of energy unknowingly created by human beings acting with evil intent), are thus unknowingly actually in service to the divine will.
This perspective shows a more complex relationship between good and evil than the view of evil simply as a power opposite to good. Typically, we do not recognize that good can arise out of evil, or that evil may serve the good in some way, but Yeshua saw this and brought that perspective into our world of duality.
Recourse to the Mother
Behind the scenes, in their private discussions about the nature of the world around them (perhaps as they encountered the diverse and difficult nature of duality), his students queried him about all of this. In this analogue we are privy to a formerly unknown direct quote from Yeshua: “Ask your Mother, and she will give you something coming from other worlds.” This is an astounding statement and is put here, it seems, in relationship to the discussion in the previous analogues concerning the activity of the Sacred Spirit along the vertical axis (in comparison to the horizontal where the “powers that be” live and work.)
From Yeshua’s directive we can see that he accepts that the Sacred Spirit of the Mother is a presence that can be addressed by (and is available to) not only him but his students. We can infer that Yeshua has been using that very relationship in his own learning of wisdom. What the Mother, Lady Wisdom, brings when she descends into horizontal-axis of our reality is wisdom from another world. It is a revelatory and transcendent form of wisdom, made available to all potential saints and sages passing through the lived experience of earth (even, and especially, we are told, in its oppositionary and oppressive forms). Yeshua is expecting that his students too will receive answers and is challenging them to go, ask, seek, and find. The Mother of Wisdom is theirs, available and willing to assist them.
- How do you understand and respond to the wisdom and mysteries that are being taught in this analogue?
- Can you think of any examples where saints and sages have been served by Spirit even in the midst of oppression or because of it? Journal your discoveries.
- Since you also are a saint-in-the-making (and a sacred being) you too are being served by Spirit-blind-powers without their knowing. Reflect on your own life and ask how you may have already experienced this possibility. Journal your answers.
- What questions about the nature of the world around you might you want to ask the Mother?
- Do your own experiments and testing of Yeshua’s instruction, being sure to treat any answers you receive with deep respect. Journal them for safe keeping.
- What is your understanding about the nature of Egregores and egregoric activity? You might want to explore this idea in Valentin Tomberg’s traditional teachings in Meditations on the Tarot (pages 62, 138, 280, 405, and 419).
Notes for further Reference and Study
- From ancient times, Lady Wisdom has been perceived and depicted as the Mother. Images of her abound in the ancient world, especially in the region of Palestine where she is depicted in small mother-like bare-breasted figurines. She has had many names, and Margaret Barker has extensively studied her presence in, and removal from, Temple theology. Make use of Barker’s website and the PDF documents available there for free download. Two articles in particular are important for their detailed presentation of much of the historical material: The Secret Tradition (1993) and Where Shall Wisdom Be Found (2001). Later on, in the Christian tradition, St. Mary is called the Holy Mother and is often appealed to in the very way that Yeshua suggests in this analogue.
- The subject of the creation and nature of Egregores is complex and important in understanding the various powers opposing the work of Spirit. An Egregore is a semi-autonomous agency created by human intention and energy which gains power over human minds.Such powers have been known throughout history (Naziism and QAnon conspiracy theories are prime examples) and appear repeatedly to oppose and oppress women and men who choose a sacred pathway. As suggested above, an exploration of Thomberg’s Meditations on the Tarot (1985) is a beneficial place to understanding the complexity of Egregores and their influence in human affairs.
- The Doctrine of Adequation is one of the key doctrines of the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. His definition of truth, known as adaequatio intellectus et rei, says that the human mind must become adequate for the truth it receives. This teaching suggests that truth needs a prepared soul or mind in order for it to enter, and that without adequate preparation, truth is locked outside and its light cannot penetrate the mind or soul. This teaching also appears to be implicit in the way Yeshua teaches. For those who can only listen, he conveys truth through stories and parables. To those students who are perhaps more prepared, he teaches the mysteries. If they are more ready still, they may themselves go to Yeshua’s sources and inquire for themselves. Seeking the truth of wisdom through questions lies at the heart of the sapiential tradition which instructs its practitioners to seek and find as a practice of inquiry. Search and inquiry are venerable practices that are central to Sophia Perennis and the quest for her wisdom.
- The teaching that evil itself is not immune to the power of the Good, but that in some mysterious way it often serves the very Good it opposes, appears to be an ancient insight. It is encoded in many of wisdom’s axioms.
Notes on the Translation
- “Saints and sages” translate the term “the holy ones”—those who are sacred in some way.
- The term “serving humanity” could also be translated as “affecting humanity.”
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